Michael Ramsey


Michael Ramsey | Norwood: Class 4 | 2 Sessions: Level 12 Before After "When the hair transplant grows in it grows in gradually so it's not a sudden change in your appearance that you have to struggle with. PAI will help [...]

Curtis Jones


Curtis Jones | Norwood: Class 6 | 3 Sessions, Level 10 Before After "The doctors asked me how I felt about the placement and design of my hair line. After it was finished I couldn't believe it was over. I didn't feel [...]

Larry Meadows


Larry Meadows | Norwood: Class 2 | 1 Procedure Before After "It's been amazing, all the compliments. I've had some people that did not even recognize me! Today if somebody asked "was it worth it?" I would say definitely, it was." [...]

Brad Krayer


Brad Krayer | Norwood: Class 1 | 3 Procedures, Level 5 Before After "I had hair loss and it bothered me. Once you have the hair transplant done and you look in the mirror, you're so excited about it growing and [...]

Scott Atkinson


Scott Atkinson | Norwood: Class 5 Before After "It wasn't a monetary investment it was an emotional investment, an investment in my self-esteem and my quality of life. It is a decision you will not regret!" [...]

Bob Norton


Bob Norton | Norwood: Class 3 Before After "It truly was a life-changing experience. The whole 'Hair for Life' procedure was exciting and this hair is never going to go away. I can really see the reaction from people - in dating situations or standing [...]

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